
When developing a typical application, we always find common operations that are repeated over and over again. Such as add, edit, delete, list and search. Plasta born to try to reduce development time and maintenance of these applications, providing a common API that implements these operations.


Plasta is released under the MIT License.


Plasta consists of 4 main components are the 4 base classes of a Plasta package.

Of these 4 classes, 3 are purely heritable: BaseManager, BaseGUI y BaseAdd. At any time you can implement any of its operations to achieve the desired end.

The Storm class

This is where the attributes for a model are defined, as stated in the documentation Storm here. It is the definition of an object / table for persistence in the database.

The BaseManager class

This will be in charge of controlling model objects with which you are working, and where the operations side base logic are defined.

The BaseGUI class

Here they are defined all operations that control the main GUI of a model.

The BaseAdd class

This class has operations to handle the operations of the form add / edit.


Term Definition
Manager controlling class of a model
Package Plasta package composed of four classes
UI xml file from a Qt window
Widget Qt visual component


For the correctly work of Plasta, must respect these conventions:

Names of the classess

Base class Example
BaseManager ClientManager
BaseGUI ClientGUI
BaseAdd AddClient

Widgets names in the main screen of a model

Widget name Widget type
lbTitle QLabel
btNew QPushButton
btEdit QPushButton
btDelete QPushButton
leSearch QLineEdit
cbFilters QComboBox
lbItemsCount QLabel
twItems QTableWidget

Widget names in form add/edit

Widget name Widget type
btSave QPushButton
btExit QPushButton

Widget prefixes

Plasta has adopted this prefixes to name widgets of GUI:

Widget Prefix
QLabel lb
QLineEdit le
QComboBox cb
QSpinBox sb
QDoubleSpinBox dsb
QTextEdit te
QDateEdit dt
QDateTimeEdit dte
QTimeEdit tme
QCheckBox chk

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